Taking the Plunge

Today I’m going to write about my session with Cari-Anne.

My first interactions with her were through instagram like many (well, most) of my clients. I hear all kinds of reasons for wanting to shoot: a present for someone else, celebrating a milestone, and so on. I also hear a bunch of reasons why someone doesn’t want to shoot right now. Those reasons are the ones you’d expect, wanting to lose a few pounds, waiting for hair to grow out, or just needing time to have a more positive view of themselves. I’m going to turn it over to Cari-Anne now.

The craziest thing really, the nerves and thoughts were sometimes uncontrollable to the point of forgoing my deposit and backing out.

My self confidence had dwindled over the last 4 years or so. I have never liked seeing pictures of myself at the best of times so, the thought of a having someone I didn’t know take pictures of me, it was quite crazy; and the first set of photos by another photographer proved my point. No fault of the photographer (as she is talented) however the captures had shown exactly what I had seen in the mirror every day.

The last year was probably the worst year of my life, with a few exceptions (one of which I will never forget) . I lost myself to a point that when I looked in the mirror and all I saw was a shell of a person.

The first time I seen your instagram page I was floored to say the least. The way you caught these women's souls, personalities, pain, happiness and beauty is something I had never seen before. When I take in your art/work what draws me in the most are these womens faces and the expressions and then there bodies ( how do you see us). I liked and commented on your posts so much that you had asked when I was going to book a session, forward but very warranted and frankly the push I needed.

To trust that you would capture my pain and make it beautiful… it was exactly what I needed, and had been longing for. I was in the worst shape of my life mind and body. Your voice on the phone put my mind at ease and at that time there was only one other person who could calm me that way. That day was the best day for my soul, a day of self worth a day that allowed me to put the pain away, an awakening really. For that I will always be grateful, tears and all. There is not ONE photo that I don't love. Thank you so very much Brayden for the peace, mind, body and soul. You see people in a way that is so uncommon and I hope you see that through your work. THANK YOU

Some people truly need the time and space to be comfortable enough with themselves to book a shoot, but for others it can be an important step towards regaining that comfort and familiarity. Choosing to hire a stranger to take photos of you in a vulnerable state can seem like a wild idea, but sometimes you just take the plunge and go for it.

Here’s Cari-Anne.

B McCluskey